Is organizing my home just another chore to add to my to do list?

The advantages to living an organized life goes beyond saving time and money.  Being on time and prepared for the day ahead is a sure sign of being in control, which promotes self confidence and reduces stress.  In essence, an organized life improves the quality of life by promoting harmony, while reducing stress and increasing…

Best Placement for a Sectional Sofa

A sectional couch is a perfect gathering spot for a family or group of friends, when you want to relax and enjoy a shared activity or just to stretch out and read a book. As sectionals are such large pieces of furniture, careful planning and measuring is necessary to maximize functionality and appeal. First, choose…

Got Kids? Morning Routine Hacks

How to Get Kids Out of House On Time in the Morning Do you find it just as difficult to get your kids off to school in the mornings, even now, when they are in elementary or middle school? They’re  old enough to get themselves ready in the morning but they still need directions and…

Under The Kitchen Sink

Requests for an organized kitchen are at the top of most peoples wish lists.  Most of the clients I see, all have one thing in common, they own too many items for the space, leading to cluttered cabinets and over stuffed drawers.   My advice is to reserve under the kitchen sink for cleaning items that…

Boxing Day | What’s It All About?

Boxing Day  is recognized annually on December 26th and has been an official holiday in the UK, Ireland and Canada since 1871. There are wide and varying answers regarding the origins of Boxing Day. Some point to the song of “Good King Wenceslas” as the origin of spirit, if not the day itself. According to…

Weekly Photo Challenge – Up Close

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Close Up.” I took a photo of a purse that I have had for years, to sell on Etsy and I realized the link on the handle was actually a face … nice detail. I had never noticed that before taking the time to take close…

Goodbye Insomnia

I recently listened to a presentation about the many and varied types of dementia.  It is important to me because of my work in hospice care and when dealing with elderly clients in my organizing business. I did learn about a solution/aid for insomnia that I could try on myself and my husband. We frequently make…