Best Placement for a Sectional Sofa

A sectional couch is a perfect gathering spot for a family or group of friends, when you want to relax and enjoy a shared activity or just to stretch out and read a book. As sectionals are such large pieces of furniture, careful planning and measuring is necessary to maximize functionality and appeal. First, choose…

Under The Kitchen Sink

Requests for an organized kitchen are at the top of most peoples wish lists.  Most of the clients I see, all have one thing in common, they own too many items for the space, leading to cluttered cabinets and over stuffed drawers.   My advice is to reserve under the kitchen sink for cleaning items that…

The Perfect Entryway

The entryway to your home is the portal to your space.  At this threshold we drop the following: Keys Shoes Outerwear Backpacks Bags   It is a very important little space. We need to pause here to prevent misplacing items and walking dirt and junk into our homes. Even in the smallest of spaces, there are…

An Organized Nightstand

Everything You Need, Without Getting Out of Bed I regularly wake up in the wee hours, so I have come up with a solution whereby I have everything I need, close at hand, to while away the hours.  Why not just get up? I have two small, adorable dogs who insist (?) on joining my hubby…

Make Up/Bathroom Cabinets/Medicine Chest – Spring Clean!

Have you ever been rummaging around in your make up drawer, under your bathroom vanity or medicine cabinet and asked yourself : “how old is this!”  “what is this, exactly?” and “is this still good to use?”  If you answered yes, then it’s time to purge, purge, purge.  These are areas we visit just about every day…

Closet Clear Out!

Sun dresses, short sleeves, cropped pants and pretty sandals and flip flops.  That’s my summer attire sorted! It’s with great  pleasure that I move my winter clothing to a remote part of my closet for a few months.  Embrace the beginning of summer by rearranging your closet.  See how much room you have now for this seasons “must haves”. Put…

Organizing A Small Desk

  The Problem: I share an office with my husband. I only have a small desk, it’s overcrowded and not very feminine. I run my business from here but work out of the office for the most part, so I don’t need a bigger space. I just need my space to be more functional. Our Solution:…

Calm the Paper Chaos

Reducing the amount of paper clutter in your home or work space starts right at the mailbox. Discard unwanted flyers, mailing and junk mail before you get into the house or office, by placing a recycling box in your garage or trash area. Sort your mail into bills, correspondence, offers and periodicals. Place magazine and…

Dirty Little Jobs

It’s a rainy weekend here in The Lowcountry.  A perfect time to tackle April’s “dirty little jobs” Organize the “junk” drawer and Keys Organize the mud room/coat rack.  Donate or sell gently used clothing that your children may have grown out of.  Weed out coats and jackets you haven’t worn in a season. Organize your…