Is organizing my home just another chore to add to my to do list?

The advantages to living an organized life goes beyond saving time and money.  Being on time and prepared for the day ahead is a sure sign of being in control, which promotes self confidence and reduces stress.  In essence, an organized life improves the quality of life by promoting harmony, while reducing stress and increasing…

Best Placement for a Sectional Sofa

A sectional couch is a perfect gathering spot for a family or group of friends, when you want to relax and enjoy a shared activity or just to stretch out and read a book. As sectionals are such large pieces of furniture, careful planning and measuring is necessary to maximize functionality and appeal. First, choose…

Under The Kitchen Sink

Requests for an organized kitchen are at the top of most peoples wish lists.  Most of the clients I see, all have one thing in common, they own too many items for the space, leading to cluttered cabinets and over stuffed drawers.   My advice is to reserve under the kitchen sink for cleaning items that…

Stay Organized While House Hunting

House hunting will set your mind reeling.  Trying to remember what you liked or disliked about a property can be difficult unless you organize your thoughts and make notes. Refreshing your memory is easy when you sign up for an account with an online real estate app such as, Zillow or Trulia.  You can…

Organize Your Guest Room

 You want to make your guests feel welcomed and at ease in your home.  It’s natural for guests to feel uncomfortable asking for things that they might need in fear of being a nuisance.  By thoughtfully preparing the room for them you send the message “welcome to our home, we want you be have a…

The Perfect Entryway

The entryway to your home is the portal to your space.  At this threshold we drop the following: Keys Shoes Outerwear Backpacks Bags   It is a very important little space. We need to pause here to prevent misplacing items and walking dirt and junk into our homes. Even in the smallest of spaces, there are…

Organizing a Garage Sale

The week prior to the event get the word out and advertise Local Newspaper: Will cost you. Craigslist: Free listing. Post the event and refresh daily the week prior to the sale.  On the day upload photos of your yard and repost later with a call to action such as ”Rock Bottom Prices”  or “Everything…

An Organized Nightstand

Everything You Need, Without Getting Out of Bed I regularly wake up in the wee hours, so I have come up with a solution whereby I have everything I need, close at hand, to while away the hours.  Why not just get up? I have two small, adorable dogs who insist (?) on joining my hubby…

Downsizing Your Home

If you are considering downsizing your home, you probably have many questions.  It’s a daunting task, but with thought and preparation it can be a very liberating experience.   When is downsizing a good idea? What’s the best way to decide what to take with you? What to get rid of? What do you do…